
I'm trying to point a subdomain to a new distribution. I have two accounts: legacy, new.

The legacy account has these resources:

  • Route53 hosted zone foo.com, with:
    • CNAME a.foo.com -> xyz.cloudfront.net
  • Cloudfront distribution with domain name xyz.cloudfront.net:
    • Alternate Domain Name (CNAME) a.foo.com
    • A cert for a.foo.com

The new account has these resources:

  • CloudFront distribution with domain name qrs.cloudfront.net

I'd like the final setup to be a.foo.com CNAME to qrs.cloudfront.net. (I don't understand why the CloudFront distribution needs to know what things CNAME to it, which is maybe part of the reason I'm not understanding the error below.)

So I'm following these official docs. I'm trying to follow step 3 by setting *.foo.com as the Alternate Domain Name on the new CloudFront distribution.

But I get the following error:

com.amazonaws.services.cloudfront.model.CNAMEAlreadyExistsException: One or more of the CNAMEs you provided are already associated with a different resource. (Service: AmazonCloudFront; Status Code: 409; Error Code: CNAMEAlreadyExists;)


2 Answers


The instructions you are following are for migrating a subdomain to a different distribution within the same account.

You cannot add an alternate domain name to a CloudFront distribution if the alternate domain name already exists in another CloudFront distribution, even if your AWS account owns the other distribution.

However, you can add a wildcard alternate domain name, such as *.example.com, that includes (that overlaps with) a non-wildcard alternate domain name, such as www.example.com. Overlapping domain names can be in the same distribution or in separate distributions as long as both distributions were created by using the same AWS account. (emphasis added)


It is not possible to have wildcard ambiguity across multiple accounts, and what you are trying to do would set up just such a condition. It isn't supported because it's a security vulnerability.

I don't understand why the Cloudfront distribution needs to know what things CNAME to it, which is maybe part of the reason I'm not understanding the error below.

HTTP and DNS interact in such a way that the destination server is unaware of the DNS resolution path that led the browser to the server address to which it is connected. The server can only identify the site the browser is requesting by the HTTP Host header and the value of the SNI field when HTTPS is in use -- the dzczcexample.cloudfront.net intermediate hostname is lost in the process. The Alternate Domain Name configuration setting (unfortunately and inaccurately also called CNAME, for legacy reasons) is what CloudFront -- a massive, globally-distributed system -- uses in order to determine which specific distribution should handle the request, so Alternate Domain Name can only be set to foo.example.com for one distribution in all of CloudFront.

As noted above, *.example.com can only be set on a CloudFront distribution within the same account as foo.example.com, because to allow otherwise creates a domain hijacking vulnerability.

The workaround is a little bit delicate, but it can be done.

  • Set up the new CloudFront distribution, without setting the Alternate Domain Name, and wait for it to transition to the Deployed status.
  • Change DNS to point to the assigned hostname for the new distribution. This will not do what you might assume: traffic will actually still be handled by the old distribution, because of the Host header/SNI mapping mentioned above... but this setting needs to be changed before continuing.
  • Remove the hostname from the Alternate Domain Name settings of the old distribution and save changes.
  • Add the hostname to the new distribution's Alternate Domain Name settings and save changes. You should get errors for a short period of time, after which the change will be accepted and traffic will be served by the new distribution.

You will want to set up two test distributions and a dummy subdomain (probably in a different domain, entirely) and work through these steps to familiarize yourself with the process. The resulting outage, when I have walked through this process previously, is brief, since you are not creating a new distribution (which takes some time) but simply changing the attributes of one stable distribution, and then the other.


I ran into this error when trying to create a login.example.com subdomain for user authorization with the Cognito Hosted UI. I already had a CloudFront distribution set up for example.com for SSL protection. I was able to resolve the error by changing one of the alternate domain names from the catch-all *.example.com to www.example.com