Learning to use SQL inside ms access vba. I've gotten how select queries work but they don't immediately output to a datasheet like one built through the access forms. I needed complicated if else chains to get what I wanted so I had to use the vba route. I've tried several methods that have been suggested in other questions but they haven't worked like I want.
I'm creating the code for a button which displays a datasheet with particular elements based on check boxes. the code that follows will just be about displaying the elements of the Select query.
I tried the .QueryDef method
Dim qd As QueryDef
Set qd = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("")
With qd
.ReturnsRecords = True
End With
This worked but only once when I put in a query name and not when empty. it created a new query which does what I want but then the button doesn't do anything after that.
should I create a table to accept the output and try to set that table to the recordset created by the sql statement? i'd like to avoid having another table since this is just used for viewing.
Here is the full code with my current try at a simpler solution
Private Sub NDC_CERT_VIEW_Click()
Dim StrSQLclause As String
Dim db1 As DAO.Database, qry1 As DAO.QueryDef
Set db1 = CurrentDb()
Set qry1 = db1.QueryDefs("NDC_EXPORT_VIEW")
MsgBox ("Here")
If (Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' "
MsgBox ("No Status Selected")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (StrSQLclause)
MsgBox ("Here3")
qry1.sql = StrSQLclause
MsgBox ("Here4")
MsgBox ("Here6")
DoCmd.OpenQuery "YourQueryName"
– HansUpNot Is Null
toIs Not Null
? – HansUp