
In my CustomFormRequest file I have the following rule for image file:

public function rules() {
        return [
            'image' => 'image|max:2047',

and the appropriate validation messages:

public function messages() {
        return [
            'image.image' => 'The type of the uploaded file should be an image.',
            'image.max' => 'Failed to upload an image. The image maximum size is 2MB.',

But the message for maximum size rule doesn't appear. The default message for max file size is appearing instead of it. What I'm doing wrong ?

I don't want to use additional frameworks and libraries for image validation. I'm searching for solutions in the Laravel domain.Gevorg Melkumyan
@GufranHasan That's not an answer to the question, totally different setup.Douwe de Haan

2 Answers


For couple hours of research I finally found the way:

public function messages() {
        return [
            'image.image' => 'The type of the uploaded file should be an image.',
            'image.uploaded' => 'Failed to upload an image. The image maximum size is 2MB.',

https://stackoverflow.com/a/52762776/12809994 answer works for single errors, im gonna comment another way of setting this as a default error message for documenting purposes. To set a default message to appear instead of the default one you can go to a file called validation.php that has all default error messages, it is located in resources/lang/{language} and you can add the custom message there like below

'uploaded' => 'Failed to upload an file, the maximum size is 2MB.',