Is there a way to build a custom qualitative color palette that maps category values to color values?
I am trying to build a basic leaflet map in Shiny that colors property parcels (polygons) by their land use (factor). Usually this is simple but I need specific colors for specific categories.
For example, parcels with a land use of 'Commercial' need to be the color '#FF4C4C'. There are about 10 land use categories.
I have tried splitting the data into different layers:
leaflet() %>%
addPolygons(data=parcels[parcels$category == 'Commercial',], fillColor = '#FF4C4C') %>%
addPolygons(data=parcels[parcels$category == 'Residential',], fillColor = '#E9E946')
And so forth but slicing the large SpatialPolygonsDataFrame ten times is slow and consumes a lot of resources. An added problem is that these categories have sub-categories that will need to be shown later, sometimes up to 20 sub-categories, and slicing the spdf 10+20 times won't do.
All of the documentation and stackoverflow questions I have found focus on defining the ranges between two or more colors, but I don't want ranges. I want an exact mapping between factor levels and specific color codes.
I hope there is a simple answer to this. I was hoping I could do something like:
lu_pal <- c('Residential' = '#E9E946', 'Commercial' = '#FF4C4C')
and find a magical function to turn that list into my palette.