Does anyone know if ionic 4 has a workable platform for windows?
I've been trying to start a ionic 4 cordova app using the windows platform which works fine with version 3, however gives me a blank screen using version 4 (windows universal platform). It should show me the app in the screen. I think it's something to do with not calling the right js files or something to do with angular 6? I'm pretty new to this, so I apologize if I'm too vague.
steps to recreate -
- ionic start myApp tabs --type=angular
- open in vs code and navigate to config.xml
- add < preference name="windows-target-version" value="10.0" />
- navigate to this file using cmd and type ionic cordova platform add windows
- then type ionic cordova build windows
- this creates a directory called platforms and inside of this called windows.
- go into windows and there is a sln file, open with vs studio and press f5 working on local machine.
this gives me a blank screen :( however doing the same steps in ionic version 3 it works fine.
To try and help this situation I changed the index.html file using vs code to change the root from
< script type="text/javascript" src="runtime.js">
< script type="text/javascript" src="/www/runtime.js">
I did this to all of the script tag files.