Unknown notfication is really struggling me and the official docs seems newer than released bosun binary, like unknownPost
is ilegal option.
The following unknown template and notification do not work. I can see unknown notfications in bosun UI, but it doesn't send notification(http alert). Other normal alerts work fine.
template tmpl_unknown {
body = 'x'
subject = `{{$v := .Eval .Alert.Vars.val }}{"warn_undo": [{"app":"xxx","db_type":"NOSQL","db_cat":"aaaa","ip":"{{.Group.host}}","warn_level":1,"warn_type":"cpu","warn_detail":"cpu {{.Group.device}} total util is {{$v.Value | pct}} ","notifier": "xxxxxxxx","status":"undo","report_time":""}]}`
# body = {{.Name}}: {{.Group | len}} unknown alerts
# subject = `{"warn_undo": [{"app":"aaaa","db_type":"NOSQL","db_cat":"aaaa","ip":"x.x.x.x","warn_level":1,"warn_type":"alive","warn_detail":"Time: {{.Time}} xName: {{.Name}} Alerts:{{range .Group}}{{.}},{{end}}","notifier": "xxxxxxxx","status":"undo","report_time":""}]}`
unknown_alive = `
{"warn_undo": [{"app":"aaaa","db_type":"NOSQL","db_cat":"aaaa","ip":"x.x.x.x","warn_level":1,"warn_type":"alive","warn_detail":"Time: {{.Time}} Name: {{.Name}} Alerts:{{range .Group}}{{.}},{{end}}","notifier": "xxxxxxxx","status":"undo","report_time":""}]}`
unknownTemplate = tmpl_unknown
notification gcsx_unknown {
post = ${sys.gcsAlert}
contentType = application/json
print = True
timeout = 5m
next = gcsx_unknown
unknownBody = unknown_alive
bodyTemplate = subject
# unknownMinGroupSize = 5
# unknownThreshold = 0
alert cpu_total_util_or_unknown {
template = tmpl_unknown
$val = avg(q("none:0all-last:cpu.pct_used{host=*,device=total}", "1m", ""))
warn = $val > 60
warnNotification = gcsx_unknown
runEvery = 1
unknown = 1m
I want to alert cpu usage. If host is gone, no data reported and I will got an unknown alert.
Bosun version: the newest compiled from master branch(2018.10.08)