I have a FormArray in a FormGroup and each of the FormArray has multiple FormGroup's and can add them dynamically.
I have an Async Validator where it needs all the data in the FormGroup to validate the minimum payRate, currently have a dummy Async Validator which doesn't use all the FormGroup values but will need them to make the API call.
The issue comes because if I want all the data of the FormGroup, I need to add the Async Validator to the FormGroup and not the individual FormControl, to which i need to get ng-invalid to have a border-color: red.
StqackBlitz link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-vr4cya-b3r3od
new FormGroup({
"payRate": new FormControl(assign.jobRate, Validators.required),
"position": new FormControl(assign.position, Validators.required),
"location": new FormControl(assign.location, Validators.required),
"department": new FormControl(assign.department, Validators.required)
payRateValidator(control: AbstractControl): {[key: string]: any} {
const payRate = control.get('payRate').value;
const location = control.get('location').value;
const department = control.get('department').value;
const promise = new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (payRate <= 13) {
resolve({'payRateisLess': true});
} else {
}, 1500);
return promise;
Can't have the Async Validator for the PayRate FormControl because of the Async Validator function cant access the values of other FormControl in the FormGroup.
new FormGroup({
"payRate": new FormControl(assign.jobRate, Validators.required, this.payRateValidator.bind(this)),
"position": new FormControl(assign.position, Validators.required),
"location": new FormControl(assign.location, Validators.required),
"department": new FormControl(assign.department, Validators.required)
Currently, when I click on +Additional Assignment button, by default, I'm getting Error text, "Please enter Pay Rate >13", but this is not getting hidden when I type value greater than 13, because I need to enter all the inputs in the FormGroup since I have other validators for that are Required.
After I enter all the inputs in the current FormGroup the error message disappears.
Is there any way to only show the error message, just for the Pay Rate Input tag when having Async Validator for the whole FormGroup???.
code – Avin KavishFormGroup
in a closure and creates a validator function for the payrate that you then pass in, normally. – Avin Kavish