
Before Terraform supported the Storage Gateway in AWS, I created three file gateways through other means. Essentially, I used Terraform to launch the bits that were supported (iam policy, s3 bucket, ec2 instance, cache volume), and used a bash script making cli calls to pull it all together. It worked great.

Now that Terraform supports the creation/activation of a file gateway (including provisioning of the cache volume), I've refactored my Terraform to eliminate the bash scripts.

The gateway instance and cache volume were created using the following Terraform:

resource "aws_instance" "gateway" {
  ami           = "${var.instance_ami}"
  instance_type = "${var.instance_type}"

  # Refer to AWS File Gateway documentation for minimum system requirements.
  ebs_optimized = true
  subnet_id     = "${element(data.aws_subnet_ids.subnets.ids, random_integer.priority.result)}"

  ebs_block_device {
    device_name           = "/dev/xvdf"
    volume_size           = "${var.ebs_cache_volume_size}"
    volume_type           = "gp2"
    delete_on_termination = true

  key_name = "${var.key_name}"

  vpc_security_group_ids = [

Once the instance is up and running, the following snippet from a bash script looks up the volume ID and configures the volume as the gateway cache:

# gets the gateway_arn and uses that to lookup the volume ID
gateway_arn=$(aws storagegateway list-gateways --query "Gateways[*].{arn:GatewayARN,name:GatewayName}" --output text | grep ${gateway_name} | awk '{print $1}')
volume_id=$(aws storagegateway list-local-disks --gateway-arn ${gateway_arn} --query "Disks[*].{id:DiskId}" --output text)
echo "the volume ID is $volume_id"

# add the gateway cache
echo "adding cache to the gateway"
aws storagegateway add-cache --gateway-arn ${gateway_arn} --disk-id ${volume_id}

The end result of this process is that the gateway is online, the cache volume is configured, but the Terraform state is only aware of the instance. I subsequently refactored the Terraform to include the following:

resource "aws_storagegateway_gateway" "nfs_file_gateway" {
  gateway_ip_address = "${aws_instance.gateway.private_ip}"
  gateway_name       = "${var.gateway_name}"
  gateway_timezone   = "${var.gateway_time_zone}"
  gateway_type       = "FILE_S3"

resource "aws_storagegateway_cache" "nfs_cache_volume" {
  disk_id     = "${aws_instance.gateway.ebs_block_device.volume_id}"
  gateway_arn = "${aws_storagegateway_gateway.nfs_file_gateway.id}"

From there, I ran the following to get the disk_id of the cache volume (note I have redacted the account ID and gateway ID:

aws storagegateway list-local-disks --gateway-arn arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-1:[account_id]:gateway/[gateway_id] --region us-east-1

This returns:

    "GatewayARN": "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-1:[account_id]:gateway/[gateway_id]",
    "Disks": [
            "DiskId": "xen-vbd-51792",
            "DiskPath": "/dev/xvdf",
            "DiskNode": "/dev/sdf",
            "DiskStatus": "present",
            "DiskSizeInBytes": 161061273600,
            "DiskAllocationType": "CACHE STORAGE"

I then ran a Terraform import command on the aws_storagegateway_cache resource to pull the existing resource into the state file.

Command I ran:

terraform_11.5 import module.sql_backup_file_gateway.module.storage_gateway.aws_storagegateway_cache.nfs_cache_volume arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-1:[account_id]:gateway/[gateway_id]:xen-vbd-51792

The import completes successfully. I then run a Terraform init and a Terraform plan, which shows that if I were to run an apply, the cache volume would be recreated.

Output from the plan:

-/+ module.sql_backup_file_gateway.module.storage_gateway.aws_storagegateway_cache.nfs_cache_volume (new resource required)
      id:                     "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-1:[account_id]:gateway/[gateway_id]:xen-vbd-51792" => <computed> (forces new resource)
      disk_id:                "xen-vbd-51792" => "1" (forces new resource)
      gateway_arn:            "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-1:[account_id]:gateway/[gateway_id]" => "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-1:[account_id]:gateway/[gateway_id]"

There are no other values for the disk_id that I can provide in the import statement that allow the import to complete. I'm not sure what I can change to avoid the cache volume from being recreated if a sugsequent terraform apply is run.

What does your Terraform code look like? If you can post the state file as well (or at least the relevant section) that would also be useful.ydaetskcoR
Welcome to Stack Overflow! Other users marked your question for low quality and need for improvement. I re-worded/formatted your input to make it easier to read/understand. Please review my changes to ensure they reflect your intentions. But I think your question is still not answerable. You should edit your question now, to add missing details (see minimal reproducible example ). Feel free to drop me a comment in case you have further questions or feedback for me.GhostCat
@ydaetskcoR - I have updated the original ask to include much more detailDave Stauffacher
There is a devops.stackexchange.com now for this kind of questionsJleruOHeP
Thanks for the update. Can you also show the output of terraform state show aws_instance.gateway please?ydaetskcoR

1 Answers


I've actually found the solution. @ydaetskcoR - your comment regarding mapping the volume_id to the disk_id led me to find the Terraform I needed to bridge the gap between the instance declaration and the cache declaration.

This Terraform block allows me to look up the ebs_block_device in a way that can output the correct disk_id later in the Terraform:

data "aws_storagegateway_local_disk" "cache" {
  disk_path   = "/dev/xvdf"
  gateway_arn = "${aws_storagegateway_gateway.nfs_file_gateway.arn}"

Once I added this block, I then refactored the Terraform that configures the cache to the following:

resource "aws_storagegateway_cache" "nfs_cache_volume" {
  disk_id     = "${data.aws_storagegateway_local_disk.cache.id}"
  gateway_arn = "${aws_storagegateway_gateway.nfs_file_gateway.id}"

Now when I run the terraform init and terraform plan, the gateway volume does not show up as needing any changes or replacement.

Thanks for helping me track this down.
