I am attempting to create an endpoint in my CDN profile with an ARM template. The Template creates a Storage Account and a CDN Profile and when I run the validation commands, my template validates.
However, when I run the deploy, it fails with the error below when it gets to deploying the endpoint into the CDN Profile.
The full error:
An unexpected instance annotation name 'mycdnstorage.blob.core.windows.net' was found when reading from the JSON reader, In OData, Instance annotation name must start with @.
Related Template field declaration
This is the originHostHeader
value of the endpoint declaration. The value assigned here is the same as the hostName
value in the origins node.
"originHostHeader": "[replace(replace(reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('cdnStorageName')), '2015-06-15').primaryEndpoints.blob, 'https://', ''), '/', '')]",
I have spent several hours comparing my arm template with the pre-built template when starting a new project for Storage-CDN. There does not seem to be any differences other than how my variables/parameters are declared.
I attempted to normalize my variables/parameters between my script and the pre-built, but this did not solve the problem either.
What am I missing in this line of my template?