Using MS Graph API /beta endpoint to figure out if the list has been updated/changed.
Used the following query first:$expand=lists(select=id, name, system, lastModifiedDateTime)
And did get the following date:
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:23:37Z",
But when going against the items and see the dates on the latest item with the following query:,92af4fbc-04bc-46d8-9c78-f63832fbf48a,1b59d85a-41bd-4498-a64c-17bd13069d90/lists/b9c39323-076a-4ae7-942b-1d0060a6b352/items
you can see the dates:
"createdDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:23:37Z"
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:29:14Z",
You can see that lastModifiedDateTime property on the list looks like actually lastCreatedDateTime
Best Regards, Kim
First graph request gets the SitePages list and its lastModifiedDateTime:
"id": "b9c39323-076a-4ae7-942b-1d0060a6b352",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:23:37Z",
"name": "SitePages",
"system": {}
But if we then look at the items of the list, we can see that it has an item with a higher lastModifiedDateTime (second graph request):
"createdDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:23:37Z",
"eTag": "\"27e03a98-9321-4586-8ef1-0b5323c26730,6\"",
"id": "8",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:29:14Z",
We can also see that the createdDateTime of the listitem is the same as the list lastModifiedDateTime. Looks like a bug in the api to mee. The date in the first request should be "2018-10-08T10:29:14Z". Dont you agree?