I have a userform where I want the user to be able to select multiple options, but am having a bit of a problem finding the best way to do this. If I use a combobox1, I don't appear to be able to allow multiple selections and Checkbox Option. I also want populate Combobox2 according to the selection made in combobox1.
I am trying with the below Code:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.cbota1.AddItem "2A"
Me.cbota1.AddItem "3Q"
Me.cbota1.AddItem "Sim"
Me.cbota1.AddItem "2T"
End Sub
Private Sub cbota1_Change()
Dim index As Integer
index = cbota1.ListIndex
Select Case index
Case Is = 0
With cbota2
.AddItem "Add dime"
.AddItem "Add annot"
.AddItem "Others"
txtTo.Value = "AXA"
End With
Case Is = 1
With cbota2
.AddItem "Modify"
.AddItem "Reduce"
.AddItem "Others"
txtTo.Value = "CA"
End With
Case Is = 2
With cbota2
.AddItem "Lin"
.AddItem "Non"
.AddItem "Mul"
.AddItem "Vi"
txtTo.Value = "ABA"
End With
Case Is = 3
With cbota2
.AddItem "Ad"
.AddItem "Red"
txtTo.Value = "A"
End With
End Select
End Sub
instead of theTreeView
link – Tom