
I switched from SVN to git some time ago and currently I am using git with VSTS. Until now I had worked only with master and feature branches. VSTS is setup with branch policies. Master changes/commits are only possible via Pull-Requests.

Now I tried to use git-flow. I have configured the develop branch to also use branch-policies in vsts.

If I create a feature-branch I can push it to vsts.

But I can't finish the feature locally using git-flow because it would merge into develop (which I can not push to vsts because of the branch policy). If I complete the pull-request it will be merged by vsts into develop. I can pull this change back to my local repo but the git-flow-feature-task will remain "open". I can not finish it, because it will merge locally.

Currently I am using squash commits with the pull request and after it I am deleting the "unfinished" local feature branch.

I don't like this approach but I can not figure out how to manage it correctly


1 Answers


It looks like you're doing things right (push feature_branch, merge future_branch via a pull request, pull develop, ...start over on another feature...).

When you complete the pull request there is an option to complete the linked work items after merging.

enter image description here