
I'm trying to build a serverless app with AWS. My API is working fine, but my custom domain is not. I'm receiving a 403 forbidden answer. This is how it's configured my custom domain:

enter image description here

And then I'm using the Target URL provided by this Custom Domain in Route 53 as CNAME. How can I fix this?

Does it work if you use the API Gateway endpoint directly (i.e. bypassing the custom domain)? If not, it could be an issue with the API Gateway -> Lambda permissions.Tom
The API gateway endpoint works, what doesn't work is the target domain offered by custom domain, neither the domain used in Route 53 with CNAMEFilipe Ferminiano
And your CNAME is pointing to the *.cloudfront.net domain, not the *.execute-api.[region].amazonaws.com one?Tom
The CNAME is pointing to *.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com which is the one that custom domain gaves me. How can I get the cloudfront domain?Filipe Ferminiano
If you go to API Gateway -> Custom Domain Names, there should be a CloudFront domain listed under "Target Domain Name".Tom

1 Answers


The CNAME should point to the CloudFront endpoint (*.cloudfront.net) rather than the API Gateway endpoint (*.execute-api.[region].amazonaws.com).

The CloudFront endpoint can be found by going to API Gateway -> Custom Domain Names. A CloudFront domain should be listed under "Target Domain Name".