While testing a CRC implementation, I noticed that the CRC of 0x01 usually (?) seems to be the polynomial itself. When trying to manually do the binary long division however, I keep ending up losing the leading "1" of the polynomial, e.g. with a message of "0x01" and the polynomial "0x1021", I would get
1 0000 0000 0000 (zero padded value)
(XOR) 1 0000 0010 0001
0 0000 0010 0001 = 0x0021
But any sample implementation (I'm dealing with XMODEM-CRC here) results in 0x1021 for the given input.
Looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computation_of_cyclic_redundancy_checks, I can see how the XOR step of the upper bit leaving the shift register with the generator polynomial will cause this result. What I don't get is why this step is performed in that manner at all, seeing as it clearly alters the result of a true polynomial division?
1 0001 0000 0010 0001
. – jasonharper