
I am just getting started with Netlify CMS and I am confused how to update the CMS once my admin/config.yml changes

I cloned the default Hugo project and I modified some of the config.yml file fields for the home page and wired them up correctly in the index.html. The generated static file looks correct.

However, when I go to the CMS (/admin), I only see the old index.html content (in the CMS Preview section). So I renamed the js folder and copied only the app.js file into a fresh js folder. But that breaks things saying cms.js is missing. I added the old one but it did not pick up the cms-preview-templates.

I thought all of this will get generated from the config.yml.. Do I need to manually edit the JS files to setup the CMS? Or is it possible to regen all the files once config.yml and the associated html files change?

The help page on setting up your own site does not say much about editing the template.

Update I see cms.js file has some content like this:

import HomePreview from "./cms-preview-templates/home"; import PostPreview from "./cms-preview-templates/post"; import ProductsPreview from "./cms-preview-templates/products"; import ValuesPreview from "./cms-preview-templates/values"; import ContactPreview from "./cms-preview-templates/contact";

and when I go check these files (master branch), they have the content from the original sample project and does not have the changes I made. What do I need to do to automatically update these template files as I make changes to my site (corresponding changes are in the admin/config.yml file)?



2 Answers


Making changes local in the project content will not be reflected in NetlifyCMS until you push those changes to the repository. The default config.yml setup does not include a local workflow because it does not have a local file system backend at this time.

Changes to the admin/config.yml will work locally, but expects the content data changes in the location of your backend configuration.


The following config will be looking for changes on GitHub in the master branch of netlify/netlifycms-example repository.


  name: github
  repo: netlify/netlifycms-example
  branch: master

Update: When you make changes to the config.yml and change the templates in your site generator, you will also need to make those changes inside the preview template code for the cms to display your data correctly in the previews.


You can use netlify-cms-proxy-server for local development.

Edit your config.yaml to add a local_backend field like so

  name: git-gateway

# important bits here
local_backend: true


Then, in the project's directory, start netlify-cms-proxy-server

npx netlify-cms-proxy-server

Start your local development server, and you should be good to go

# note: may be different depending on your project's configuration
hugo server -D

For more details, check out netlify-cms's docs on working with a local git repo.