
I'm trying to setup a custom domain name on my jekyll project. Here is my configuration :


gh-pages configuration

CNAME content

OVH dns configuration

Branch : gh-pages

CNAME : adrienmerre.fr

Enforce HTTPS : No ( for the moment )

DNS configuration : i've made four "A" with github ip (185.199.1xx.153), and a CNAME at www.adrienmerre.fr. for amerre.github.io


My homepage is loading, but no css, and all the content is not displaying (without custom domain name it's working perfectly)( 404 on each pages ). I don't get it, i've been looking for github doc, jekyll doc, topics on stack overflow, tutorials... If someone can explain to me what i'm doing wrong, that would be awesome !

Here's the project repo if you wan't to see more : https://github.com/amerre/adr_blog

Thanks !

Please post the relevant code/configuration to answer the question here without need to leave the sitemarcanuy
Maybe the old DNS settings have not yet expired?JoostS
It seems to be working fine: adrienmerre.fr. I use this setup all the time. Can you give a little bit more datail on the code?JoostS

1 Answers


I actually had the same issue when trying to run Jekyll on Github. I dug around, trying to look for an answer, but with no luck.

I ended up using www.netlify.com, as they have Jekyll support, and continuous deployment, just like Github. I'd recommend giving it a try, and see if it fixes your problem.