
I have 2 tables, Orders and Items. Orders have Order,Account,Item and Qty information and Items have one record for each Item in the order. i.e. if there is 2 order for item A, then there will be 2 records in the Item table.

My tables are as follows


    Order-ID    Order Number    Account Item    Qty
    1   100 ABC A   2
    2   100 ABC B   4
    3   100 ABC C   1
    4   200 XYZ A   1
    5   200 XYZ C   1
    6   300 LMO B   2
    7   300 LMO C   1
    8   400 ABC A   1
    9   400 ABC B   4
    10  400 ABC C   2
    11  400 ABC D   1
    12  500 LMO E   3

enter image description here


    Order-ID    Outgoing_ID Order Number    Item    Liquid
    1   1   100 A   Y
    1   2   100 A   Y
    2   3   100 B   N
    2   4   100 B   N
    2   5   100 B   N
    2   6   100 B   N
    3   7   100 C   Y
    4   8   200 A   Y
    5   9   200 C   Y
    6   10  300 B   N
    6   11  300 B   N
    7   12  300 C   Y
    8   13  400 A   Y
    9   14  400 B   N
    9   15  400 B   N
    9   16  400 B   N
    9   17  400 B   N
    10  18  400 C   Y
    10  19  400 C   Y
    11  20  400 D   N
    12  21  500 E   N
    12  22  500 E   N
    12  23  500 E   N

enter image description here

I want my output to show Accounts in Rows and Max of Liquid count by comparing all the orders for that account.

Required output

    Account Max-Liquid
    ABC 5
    XYZ 0
    LMO 3

enter image description here

And when I drill down, I should be able to get the total Liquid count for orders of respective accounts

Drill down content

    Intermediate table

    Account Order Number    Liquid
    ABC 100 4
    ABC 400 5
    XYZ 200 0
    LMO 500 3
    LMO 300 2

enter image description here

Any possible way to achieve this is a Measure? (or via columns)

Output required:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Please post your data as text rather than screenshots so others can duplicate it more easily.Alexis Olson
I tried my best, this is how I could upload itNeil S
That works fine.Alexis Olson
I don't think your required output is correct. Your intermediate table is what I would expect for illiquid numbers (except LMO 500 should be 0). Can you double check?Alexis Olson
Yes my bad, Ill make the changes. (Changed the Liquid in 500 order to N)Neil S

1 Answers


If I'm understanding correctly, I think you'll want a measure like this:

Liquid =
MAXX(VALUES('Order'[Order Number]),
    0 + CALCULATE(SUM('Order'[Qty]), Outgoing[Liquid] = "Y"))