I am trying to simulate the sensitivity of matching versus regression (OLS) but I am doing something wrong somewhere because I cannot retrieve the true model using matching
I am generating 3 variables: x
, a background characteristic, d
which is the Treatment variable (binary) and y
outcome. d
is associated with x
. The idea of matching is that once conditioned on x
, the treatment assignment generation process is as good as random. In the regression world, x
is simply a control variable. I want to test how regression performs when there is region of non-common support (no treated above or below certain values) in the data.
N = 1000
# generate random variable normality dist #
x = rnorm(N, 0, 5)
This is how I generate an association between x
and d
# generate Treatement associated with x, with different probailities after a certain threshold #
d = ifelse(x > 0.7, rbinom(0.7 * N, 1, 0.6) , rbinom( (1 - 0.7) * N, 1, 0.3) )
# beyond 0.7 the proba is 0.6 to receive treatment and below is 0.3 #
Seems correct to me, but if you have a better way to do it, let me know.
# adding a bit more randomness #
d[ sample(length(d), 100) ] <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.5)
# also adding a cut-off point for the treated #
d[x < -10] <- 0
d[x > 10] <- 0
I am generating the effect of d
using ifelse
, seems correct to me, but I might be wrong.
# generate outcome y, w/ polyn relationship with x and a Treatment effect of 15 # sd == 10 #
y = x*1 + x^2 + rnorm(N, ifelse(d == 1, 15, 0), 10)
df = cbind(x,d,y) %>% as.data.frame()
# check out the "common support"
df %>% ggplot(aes(x, y, colour = factor(d) )) + geom_point()
The plot shows the way I want to model the 3 relationships. Note the cut-offs above and below 10 for the treated.
Now when I estimate the effect of d
on y
with OLS, the model with omitted variable and the misspecified model as expected give me an incorrect estimate of d
# omitted x #
lm(y ~ d, df) %>% summary()
# misspecification #
lm(y ~ d + x, df) %>% summary()
# true model #
While the correct specification gets me 15
(the true effect of d
lm(y ~ d + poly(x,2), df) %>% summary()
# we correctly retrieve 15 #
Now my issue is to understand why I can't get to 15
(true effect of d) with the matching packages.
Using MatchIt
I tried with mahalanobis
and a propensity score like this:
m1 = matchit(d ~ x, df, distance = 'mahalanobis', method = 'genetic')
m2a = matchit(d ~ x, df, distance = 'logit', method = 'genetic')
m2b = matchit(d ~ x + I(x^2), df, distance = 'logit', method = 'genetic')
Matching the data
mat1 = match.data(m1)
mat2a = match.data(m2a)
mat2b = match.data(m2b)
# OLS #
lm(y ~ d, mat1) %>% summary()
lm(y ~ d, mat2a) %>% summary()
lm(y ~ d, mat2b) %>% summary()
So here I do not retrieve the 15
. Why? Am I misinterpreting the results?
I was under the impression that when doing matching
, you did not have to model polynomial terms or/and interactions. Is that incorrect?
lm(y ~ d + poly(x,2), mat1) %>% summary()
lm(y ~ d + poly(x,2), mat2a) %>% summary()
lm(y ~ d + poly(x,2), mat2b) %>% summary()
Because I retrieve 15 if I include the poly(x,2)
term here.
Using Matching
package, I also get a completely different estimate
x1 = df$x
gl = glm(d ~ x + I(x^2), df, family = binomial)
x1 = gl$fitted.values
# I thought that it could be because OLS only gives ATE #
m0 = Match(Y = y, Tr = d, X = x1, estimand = 'ATE')
# but no
Any clue?