So, the issue here is that I am not getting why the findContours() function for python3 version of openCV returns a null hierarchy and, consequently, no contour is found.
A bit of context: I'm extracting shapes from images and, if a shape is too big (according to some features like Area, for instance) then I extract this shape and analyse it separately. This means I look for further contours that can be present in the "big" shape.
I need to be sure about this fact: If the hierarchy is Null, can I be there are no contours in the "big" image I'm working on?
A piece of code to clarify even more:
#bigSharpened is a binary image with little make-up
bigSharpened = cv.filter2D(bigOpened, -1, sharpkrnl)
#find and analyse contours#
h, w = sharpened.shape[:2]
_, bigContours0, bigHierarchy = cv.findContours(bigSharpened.copy(),cv.RETR_CCOMP, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
bigContours = [cv.approxPolyDP(cnt, 3, True) for cnt in bigContours0]
and the error message I get when I run the code (which made me think that bigHierarchy is Null hence no contour is found).
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 164, in <module>
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
if I try to print the length of bigContours0 I get another error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 164, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
didn't find any contours, therefore there isn't any hierarchy (I would also expect an empty array rather thanNone
, but alas, that's not the first little oddity I've seen in the Python bindings). What doesbigSharpened
look like just before that statement? – Dan Mašeklen(bigContours0)
? I bet it's 0. | "binary image with little make-up" doesn't tell us much -- save the image to file and attach it to your question. If we don't see the exact inputs, it's impossible to explain why exactly it's acting that way. – Dan Mašeklen(bigContours0)
, but ratherlen(bigContours0[0])
-- that's a significant difference. If the list is empty (length of 0), then accessing the first element will fail, and that's why you get an error. | If you can't upload it, then at least save it and inspect it in detail yourself. Or just try to make some image that's safe, and causes same issue. – Dan Mašek