I am trying to model a software system using Sparx Enterprise Architect 13. In our system, the software components are divided into sub-components (nothing extraordinary).
I know precisely what interfaces the sub-components provide, require and how they are interconnected. So in my model, all the links are defined at sub-component level and not at a component level.
Now, I would be able to produce diagrams representing the big picture, whose elements would be the components and not the sub-components. The idea would be to drag my existing components into a diagram to be able to see the links between them, automatically populated from the links that I have already defined between sub-components.
I found no way to achieve this goal, and I have tried using the following EA element combinations:
- components containing other components
- packages containing components
- packaging components containing components
- components containing ports
Is there a way to do that in EA ?
Thank you :)