I have 3 ActiveMQ brokers, out of the three, one broker is running into an issue which says persistent store is full.
Sample error:
INFO | Usage(default:store:queue://foo.bar:store) percentUsage=99%, usage=537210471, limit=536870912, percentUsageMinDelta=1%;Parent:Usage(default:store) percentUsage=100%, usage=537210471, limit=536870912,percentUsageMinDelta=1%: Persistent store is Full, 100% of 536870912. Stopping producer (ID: AKUNTAMU-1-31754-1388571228628-1:1:1:1) to prevent flooding queue://foo.bar. See http://activemq.apache.org/producer-flow-control.html for more info (blocking for: 155s)
I have configured my storeUsage limit as 100GB for persistent messages but when i go and check the disk usage of the kahadb it is more than 100GB (it is 190Gb). My understanding is kahadb folder contains both the persistent messages plus the journal log files.
Question: 1) Can we query kahadb to see which queue is eating up space? 2) Inside the kahadb folder, how do we segregate the space occupied by messages and other database related files. because everything is data*.log files. 3) for the other 2 brokers, on the activemq web console the store limit used is showing as 0%, confused on this part. so how i validate if its actually zero percent on the other two brokers?
Thanks in advance.