I'm using a Neo4j Java application with the APOC procedures: xml import and mergeNodes. The xml import is fine, but I can't tell the same for mergeNodes function.
I know how to register APOC procedure, so here the code:
private static void registerApocProcedure(GraphDatabaseService graphDB) throws IllegalArgumentException {
//Register APOC procedures
Procedures procedures = ((GraphDatabaseAPI) graphDB).getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency(Procedures.class);
List<Class<?>> apocProcedures = Arrays.asList(Xml.class, Merge.class, RefactorConfig.class, RefactorResult.class, RelationshipRefactorResult.class, NodeRefactorResult.class);
apocProcedures.forEach((proc) -> {
try {
} catch (KernelException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error registering "+proc,e);
As you can see, I also included some APOC procedures that have similar name to apoc.refactor.mergeNodes, but nothing happens. Probably I'm typing the wrong name, becuase this APOC procedures is built-in so I'm sure it's already present in the library, also because it is documented here
So, how can I call this function?