
I am using Apache, MySQL and phpMyAdmin. So my sql file now is large and once I exported it I can't import it in another machine. I am using iMAC and MacBook Pro.

I also tried to change the following in /etc/php.ini

  • max_execution_time = 5000
  • max_input_time = 5000
  • memory_limit = 900M
  • post_max_size = 750M
  • upload_max_filesize = 750M

Then "sudo apachectl restart".

But It didn't work and I still cannot import my large database. enter image description here

I also tried to upload my sql file in my terminal and it didn't work also.

Thank you

What happened when you tried it in the terminal?ceejayoz
"mysql server has gone away" is the response.LordGrim

1 Answers


open mysql command prompt, and write following command, try thi

use database_name;
source path/of/sqlfile.sql