Prolog is based on first-order logic but X
is a second order logic query (the variable stands for a rule head / fact, not only a term): you ask "which predicates can be derived?" or in other words "which formulas are true?". Second order logic is so expressive that we lose many nice properties of first-order logic (*). That's why a second order variable must be sufficiently instantiated to know which rule to try at the time it is called (that's what the error message means). For instance the queries
?- X=member(A,[1,2,3]), X.
?- member(A,[1,2,3]).
still allow Prolog to try the definition of the member
predicate (in fact the two definitions are equivalent) but
?- X, X=member(A,[1,2,3]).
will throw an exception because at the time X
should be derived, we don't know that it's supposed to become the predicate member(A,[1,2,3])
Your case is much simpler though: you can wrap sunny
as a term into a predicate such that Prolog knows which rules to try. The facts
define the predicate weather
such that now we only have a first-order variable as argument in our query:
?- weather(X).
X = sunny ;
X = rainy.
Now that we are talking about the term level, everything works as you expected.
(*) Although the problem of finding out if a formula is valid is undecidable in both cases, in first order logic at least all true formulas can be eventually derived but if a formula is false, the search might not terminate (i.e. first-order logic is semi-decidable). For second order logic there are formulas that can neither be proved not disproved. What is worse is that we cannot even tell if a second-order formula belongs to this category.