I'm trying to display the subscriber count from a MailChimp mailing list using their API, and I've got it partially working, except the code below is currently spitting out the subscriber count for all lists, rather than for one specific list. I've specified the list id in the line $listId ='XXX'; but that doesn't seem to be working. Because I have five lists in total, the output from the PHP below shows this:
10 0 0 1 9
What do I need to do in my code below to get the subscriber count from a specific list id?
This Example shows how to pull the Members of a List using the MCAPI.php
class and do some basic error checking.
require_once 'inc/MCAPI.class.php';
$apikey = 'XXX';
$listId = 'XXX';
$api = new MCAPI($apikey);
$retval = $api->lists();
if ($api->errorCode){
echo "Unable to load lists()!";
echo "\n\tCode=".$api->errorCode;
echo "\n\tMsg=".$api->errorMessage."\n";
} else {
foreach ($retval['data'] as $list){
echo "\t ".$list['stats']['member_count'];
I just came across this function (see below) that let's me return a single list using a known list_id. The problem is, I'm not sure how to add the list_id in the function.
I'm assuming I need to define it in this line? $params["filters"] = $filters;
The MailChimp lists() method documentation can be referred to here: http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/rtfm/lists.func.php
function lists($filters=array (
), $start=0, $limit=25) {
$params = array();
$params["filters"] = $filters;
$params["start"] = $start;
$params["limit"] = $limit;
return $this->callServer("lists", $params);