
I need google oauth for google+ login on my opencart store. My app is requesting the following scopes only and app is public.




These are not sensitive scopes and on my oauth consent screen I see the submit verification button is disabled and it says Your changes don't require verification

enter image description here

Still customers see Unverified app screen (This app isn't verified)

I have also submitted oauth app verification form https://support.google.com/code/contact/oauth_app_verification . Its been more than a week not got any response from google.

Please suggest any way how to remove Unverified app screen for my customers?


3 Answers


You should not require app verification if you are only setting up 'Sign in with Google'. An app review is required if you request sensitive scopes. Google+ sign-in is deprecated, you should be using the branding-approved 'Sign in with Google' button: https://developers.google.com/identity/branding-guidelines

If you do use sensitive scopes, you should update the scopes section of the OAuth consent screen configuration to include all sensitive scopes you are requesting before the 'submit for verification' button becomes available. In order to add your sensitive scopes on the configuration page, you need to enable the APIs you would like your project to access. For example, enable the GMail APIs for your project by visiting the API library, then add the GMail scopes to your consent screen configuration, fill out additional information, submit for verification.

Please see the 'User Consent' section of https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158849?hl=en for more information.


Google will ignore your request for verification unless you have one or more sensitive scopes listed in the OAuth consent screen list of "Scopes for Google APIs".

e.g. An example of a sensitive scope in Google OAuth consent screen

There are a bunch of steps for this so I made a video while I add a sensitive scope to an OAuth consent screen.

Here are the steps, written out:

  1. First, be sure that all URIs associated with your project are hosted on HTTPS. This includes the Authorized Javascript URIs and Authorized Redirect URIs listed in each of the OAuth Credentials. Google won't approve any app that uses any insecure connections.
  2. Next, confirm that your OAuth app has enabled access to the sensitive API (such as People or Contacts API).
  3. Then, add the scope to your "OAuth consent screen".
  4. Finally, click the enabled "Submit for verification" button at the bottom of the form.

Well, something is really off with my google account.

  • [x] All URLS HTTPS
  • [x] Sensitive scope not added
  • [x] App submitted for verification
  • [x] Got an email stating verification not required.

Now if I do the following events:

  • Open Incognito Browser
  • Click login with Google
  • Sign In using a general email id ( I used and email account from Gmail)
  • Here's the warning: This app isn't verified!!

If I tried doing this in normal browser where I am already signed in, this doesn't show up! This can be really bad for new users, it guarantees a high bounce rate!

can you guys give a try and see if this true. Also, as an answer: I would suggest you to kindly check the app in incognito mode or in a fresh browser.