if you only need the SharePoint REST API Token (I assume you mean the one with URLs starting with _api/[...]) then your best bet is to get that token from the /_api/contextinfo endpoint for your site. You do not need the Outlook REST API to do so if I understand the question correctly. So you need to craft a POST request to:
accept: application/json
content-type: application/json
Get the token value from the returned JSON: e.g. jsonResponse.FormDigestValue
The FormDigestValue field contains the value you want.
There ya go, hope this helps.
UPDATE regarding NodeJS in Outlook Add-in:
As you correctly pointed out I left out the requirement that the token be obtained from within the Addin itself. This is currently only possible from within SSO addins (preview). See the following link for how to implement it and use getAccessTokenAsync to get an Azure AD V2 token: https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/office/dev/add-ins/develop/sso-in-office-add-ins
Make sure to have created the AzureAD V2 App beforehand using https://apps.dev.microsoft.com
Give the app the necessary permissions for the operation e.g. Sites.Read.All for reading items in all site collections.
The resource for the token should look like:
Caveat: To create an SSO Addin you currently need to be part of the Office Insider Program at: https://products.office.com/de-DE/office-insider - signup required.
Finally: Use the token to call the regular SharePoint REST API, it should accept it if you stick to operations within the permissions you set in the Azure App above.