
I am having a type issue with Haskell, the program below throws the compile time error:

Couldn't match expected type ‘bytestring-’ with actual type ‘Text’

Program is:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where


import Control.Concurrent (MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar_, modifyMVar, readMVar)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Aeson (decode)


application :: MVar ServerState -> WS.ServerApp
application state pending = do
    conn <- WS.acceptRequest pending
    msg <- WS.receiveData conn
    -- EITHER this line can be included
    T.putStrLn msg
    -- OR these two lines, but not both
    decodedObject <- return (decode msg :: Maybe (Map String Int))
    print decodedObject


It seems to me that the basic issue is that putStrLn expects Text whereas decode expects Bytetring.

What I don't get is why I can run this section of the code:

T.putStrLn msg

Or I can run this section of the code:

decodedObject <- return (decode msg :: Maybe (Map String Int))
print decodedObject

But not both together.

What is the proper way to resolve this issue in the program?

I guess this is something like Type Coercion, or Type Inference, or what would be Casting in other languages. The problem is I don't know how to phrase the problem clearly enough to look it up.

It's as if msg can be one of a number of Types, but as soon as it is forced to be one Type, it can't then be another...

I'm also not sure if this overlaps with Overloaded strings. I have the pragma and am compiling with -XOverloadedStrings

I'm quite a newbie, so hope this is a reasonable question.

Any advice gratefully received! Thanks

Nothing is casted here, the type of WS.receiveData conn is polymorphic in its return type. The equivalent in Java would be a generic method and in C++ it'd be a template. The difference is that neither Java nor C++ can infer type arguments that are only used as the return type, so in Java or C++ you'd have to explicitly write receiveData<Text>(conn) to get a Text or receiveData<ByteString>(conn) to get a ByteString. Haskell is smart enough to infer this based on what you do with the result, but if you use it as both a ByteString and a Text, that no longer works.sepp2k
A ByteString is a sequence of bytes, while a Text is a sequence of characters. You can turn a ByteString into a Text only if you know that the bytes are indeed text, and which encoding is being used. For instance, you can use decodeUtf8 :: ByteString -> Text from Data.Text.Encodingchi
Thanks @sepp2k, @ chi, thats really helpful, think I understand it all now, and summed it up in my extra answerrjmurt

2 Answers


This is because WS.receiveData is polymorphic on its return type:

receiveData :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> IO a

it only needs to be WebSocketsData a instance, which both Text and ByteString are. So the compiler just infers the type.

I suggest you just assume it's a ByteString, and convert in Text upon the putStrLn usage.


Thanks to everyone for their advice. My final understanding is that any value in Haskell can be polymorphic until you force it to settle on a type, at which point it can't be any other type (stupid, but I hadn't seen a clear example of that before).

In my example, WS.receiveData returns polymorphic IO a where a is an instance of class WebsocketData which itself is parameterised by a type which can be either Text or Bytestring.

Aeson decode expects a (lazy) Bytestring. Assuming that we settle on (lazy) Bytestring for our a, this means the first line that I mentioned before needs to become:

T.putStrLn $ toStrict $ decodeUtf8 msg

to convert the lazy ByteString to a strict Text. I can do this so long as I know the incoming websocket message is UTF8 encoded.

I may have got some wording wrong there, but think that's basically it.