
I need to provision a Service Bus queue from code but I can't seem to find any details on how to do it. The Azure Service bus library has a unit test that is creating the queue (link) but the maven library I've referenced doesn't have any of those classes (QueueDescription or ManagementClientAsync).

Has anyone tried creating a queue dynamically from java?



1 Answers


I've referenced doesn't have any of those classes (QueueDescription or ManagementClientAsync).

However this class seem not to be part of azure-core or azure-servicebus librairy and I can seem to find which lib to add to the project to have access to those class.

You mentioned QueueDescription or ManagementClientAsync seems only available in the 2.0.0-PREVIEW version. Please have a try to use the following dependency.

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.microsoft.azure/azure-servicebus -->

Demo code:

String connectionString = "Endpoint=sb://xxxx.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=xxxxxx";
ConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder = new ConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString);
ManagementClient client = new ManagementClient(connectionStringBuilder);
    QueueDescription queue = client.createQueue("queueName");