
In Spring Web I used @PreAuthorize with SpEl to check permission of current user. Something like that:

public class CustomSecurity {
    public boolean checkPermission(){
        Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
        CurrentAccount currentAccount = (CurrentAccount)authentication.getPrincipal();
        return currentAccount.getUsername().equals("admin");

In RestController:

public Object getWidgetValues() {
    return "Hello admin";

Now I try to use WebFlux. Wrote reactiveCheckPermission.

public boolean checkPermission2() {
    return ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.getContext()
            .map(o -> (CurrentAccount) o)
            .map(currentAccount -> currentAccount.getUsername().equals("admin"))

But it throws IllegalStateException("block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread parallel

Changed boolean to Mono, but @PreAuthroze needs only boolean, not Mono.

How to use @PreAuthorize in WebFlux right?


1 Answers


I found one solution.

public Object getWidgetValues(@AuthenticationPrincipal(expression = "account") Account account) {
    return "Hello admin";

Where CurrentAccount used in ReactiveUserDetailsService

public class CurrentAccount extends User {
private Account account;

public CurrentAccount(Account account) {
    super(account.getLogin(), account.getPassword(), true, true,
            true, !account.isLocked(),
    this.account = account;