Which dimension should softmax be applied to ?
This code :
%reset -f
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import torch
my_softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
mu, sigma = 0, 0.1 # mean and standard deviation
train_dataset = []
image = []
image_x = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 24).reshape((3 , 4, 2))
x = torch.tensor(train_dataset).float()
my_softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
prints following :
tensor([[[[-0.1500, 0.0243],
[ 0.0226, 0.0772],
[-0.0180, -0.0278],
[ 0.0782, -0.0853]],
[[-0.0134, -0.1139],
[ 0.0385, -0.1367],
[-0.0447, 0.1493],
[-0.0633, -0.2964]],
[[ 0.0123, 0.0061],
[ 0.1086, -0.0049],
[-0.0918, -0.1308],
[-0.0100, 0.1730]]]])
tensor([[[[ 0.4565, 0.5435],
[ 0.4864, 0.5136],
[ 0.5025, 0.4975],
[ 0.5408, 0.4592]],
[[ 0.5251, 0.4749],
[ 0.5437, 0.4563],
[ 0.4517, 0.5483],
[ 0.5580, 0.4420]],
[[ 0.5016, 0.4984],
[ 0.5284, 0.4716],
[ 0.5098, 0.4902],
[ 0.4544, 0.5456]]]])
tensor([[[[ 0.3010, 0.3505],
[ 0.3220, 0.3665],
[ 0.3445, 0.3230],
[ 0.3592, 0.3221]],
[[ 0.3450, 0.3053],
[ 0.3271, 0.2959],
[ 0.3355, 0.3856],
[ 0.3118, 0.2608]],
[[ 0.3540, 0.3442],
[ 0.3509, 0.3376],
[ 0.3200, 0.2914],
[ 0.3289, 0.4171]]]])
So first tensor is prior to softmax being applied, second tensor is result of softmax applied to tensor with dim=-1 and third tensor is result of softmax applied to tensor with dim=1 .
For result of first softmax can see corresponding elements sum to 1, for example [ 0.4565, 0.5435] -> 0.4565 + 0.5435 == 1.
What is summing to 1 as result of of second softmax ?
Which dim value should I choose ?
Update : The dimension (3 , 4, 2)
corresponds to image dimension where 3 is the RGB value , 4 is the number of horizontal pixels (width) , 2 is the number of vertical pixels (height). This is an image classification problem. I'm using cross entropy loss function. Also, I'm using softmax in final layer in order to back-propagate probabilities.