
I have some content in a GCS bucket:

$ gsutil ls gs://my-bucket

I'd like to serve this behind OAuth using Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP). I'm following these instructions.

I've created a load balancer and and "backend bucket" like so:

Load balancer configuration

On the Identity-Aware Proxy page, however, I do not see my load balancer listed:

Identity-Aware Proxy Page

Is it possible to use IAP with a backend bucket?


2 Answers


This isn't supported at the moment. The policy is applied per backend, not for the load balancer as a whole (so for example, yoursite.com/admin can be more restricted than yoursite.com/public). However only backend services (ie GCE/GKE) are supported, but not backend buckets.

There is an open feature request for backend bucket IAP support.


I have added a couple of changes to gcs-proxy.

so basically you can put it in cloudrun behind GLB with Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) and serve static sites from private GCS.

here is the fork https://github.com/mike-sirs/gcsproxy.