Proof of concept. This class works with UTF-16 string data, and ':' delimiters per OP. It expects binary length as a 4-byte, little-endian binary integer. It should be easy to adjust to more specific details of your (odd) file format. For example, any Decoder class should drop in to ReadString() and "just work".
To use it, construct it with a Stream class. For each individual data element, call ReportNextData(), which will tell you what kind of data is next, and then call the appropriate Read*() method. For binary data, call ReadBinaryLength() and then ReadBinaryData().
Note that ReadBinaryData() follows the stream contract; it is not guaranteed to return as many bytes as you asked for, so you may need to call it several times. However, if you ask for too many bytes, it will throw EndOfStreamException.
I tested it with this data (hex format):
Which is:
Scan the data like so:
OddFileReader.NextData nextData;
while ((nextData = reader.ReportNextData()) != OddFileReader.NextData.Eof)
// Call appropriate Read*() here.
public class OddFileReader : IDisposable
public enum NextData
private Stream source;
private byte[] byteBuffer;
private int bufferOffset;
private int bufferEnd;
private NextData nextData;
private int binaryOffset;
private int binaryEnd;
private char[] characterBuffer;
public OddFileReader(Stream source)
this.source = source;
public NextData ReportNextData()
if (nextData != NextData.Unknown)
return nextData;
if (!PopulateBufferIfNeeded(1))
return (nextData = NextData.Eof);
if (byteBuffer[bufferOffset] == '$')
return (nextData = NextData.BinaryLength);
return (nextData = NextData.String);
public string ReadString()
if (nextData == NextData.Eof)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
else if (nextData != NextData.String)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to read non-string data as string");
if (characterBuffer == null)
characterBuffer = new char[1];
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Decoder decoder = Encoding.Unicode.GetDecoder();
while (nextData == NextData.String)
byte b = byteBuffer[bufferOffset];
if (b == '$')
nextData = NextData.BinaryLength;
else if (b == ':')
nextData = NextData.Unknown;
if (decoder.GetChars(byteBuffer, bufferOffset++, 1, characterBuffer, 0) == 1)
if (bufferOffset == bufferEnd && !PopulateBufferIfNeeded(1))
nextData = NextData.Eof;
return stringBuilder.ToString();
public int ReadBinaryLength()
if (nextData == NextData.Eof)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
else if (nextData != NextData.BinaryLength)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to read non-binary-length data as binary length");
if (!PopulateBufferIfNeeded(sizeof(Int32)))
nextData = NextData.Eof;
throw new EndOfStreamException();
binaryEnd = BitConverter.ToInt32(byteBuffer, bufferOffset);
binaryOffset = 0;
bufferOffset += sizeof(Int32);
nextData = NextData.BinaryData;
return binaryEnd;
public int ReadBinaryData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
if (nextData == NextData.Eof)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
else if (nextData != NextData.BinaryData)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to read non-binary data as binary data");
if (count > binaryEnd - binaryOffset)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
int bytesRead;
if (bufferOffset < bufferEnd)
bytesRead = Math.Min(count, bufferEnd - bufferOffset);
Array.Copy(byteBuffer, bufferOffset, buffer, offset, bytesRead);
bufferOffset += bytesRead;
else if (count < byteBuffer.Length)
if (!PopulateBufferIfNeeded(1))
throw new EndOfStreamException();
bytesRead = Math.Min(count, bufferEnd - bufferOffset);
Array.Copy(byteBuffer, bufferOffset, buffer, offset, bytesRead);
bufferOffset += bytesRead;
bytesRead = source.Read(buffer, offset, count);
binaryOffset += bytesRead;
if (binaryOffset == binaryEnd)
nextData = NextData.Unknown;
return bytesRead;
private bool PopulateBufferIfNeeded(int minimumBytes)
if (byteBuffer == null)
byteBuffer = new byte[8192];
if (bufferEnd - bufferOffset < minimumBytes)
int shiftCount = bufferEnd - bufferOffset;
if (shiftCount > 0)
Array.Copy(byteBuffer, bufferOffset, byteBuffer, 0, shiftCount);
bufferOffset = 0;
bufferEnd = shiftCount;
while (bufferEnd - bufferOffset < minimumBytes)
int bytesRead = source.Read(byteBuffer, bufferEnd, byteBuffer.Length - bufferEnd);
if (bytesRead == 0)
return false;
bufferEnd += bytesRead;
return true;
public void Dispose()
Stream source = this.source;
this.source = null;
if (source != null)