
I'm trying to export one of the tables from hive to MySQL using sqoop export. The hive table data contains the special characters.

My hive "special_char" table data:

1   じゃあまた
2   どうぞ

My Sqoop Command:

 sqoop export --verbose --connect jdbc:mysql://xx.xx.xx.xxx/Sampledb --username abc --password xyz --table special_char --direct --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver  --export-dir /apps/hive/warehouse/sampledb.db/special_char --fields-terminated-by ' '

After using the above sqoop export command, the data is stored in the form of question marks (???) instead of actual message with special characters.

MySql "special_char" table:

id  message
1    ?????
2    ??? 

Can anyone please help me out,in storing the special characters instead of question marks (???).

Did you try row level inserting same characters directly in SQL without Sqoop? If yes, is that working as expected?Rohit Nimmala
Nope.. I'll try row level inserting same characters directly in SQL without Sqoop.Intrigue777
Yes, I'm able to insert the special characters into MYSQL directlyIntrigue777

1 Answers


Specify proper encoding and charset in the JDBC URL as below:


sqoop export --verbose --connect jdbc:mysql://xx.xx.xx.xxx/Sampledb?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 --username abc --password xyz --table special_char --direct --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver  --export-dir /apps/hive/warehouse/sampledb.db/special_char --fields-terminated-by ' '

Please verify charset encoding for Japanese characters and use proper one.

Reference: https://community.hortonworks.com/content/supportkb/198290/native-sqoop-export-from-hdfs-fails-for-unicode-ch.html