I have been trying for 9 days
to add an image that is uploaded to my drive (via the use of a google form) into my Google sheet using Apps Script, but it isn't working and I have no idea why, this is my code below:
function getImage(){
var folderImage = DriveApp.getFolderById("0B7gxdApLS0TYfm1pRHpHSG4yTm96bm1PbTZQc1VmdGpxajY4N1J4M1gtR1BiZ0lOSl9NMjQ");
Logger.log(folderImage.getFiles().next().setSharing(DriveApp.Access.ANYONE, DriveApp.Permission.VIEW));
var imageFile = folderImage.getFiles().next().getBlob();
detailSheet.insertImage(imageFile, 1, 13);
I have even tried making the sharing and access permissions of the to be as open as possible but I keep getting this error message:
"We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try again"
I find the error message ambiguous which leads me at a dead end. Usually the message gives me a good idea of where I have gone wrong.
I believe my code is correct, and during my research I have found no definitive reason this shouldn't work. Does anybody know where I am going wrong?
A solution would be great but preferably a critique on my code so I can learn :)