
We are trying to setup CI/deployment with DevOps using the documentation provided here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/continuous-integration-deployment. We are using a shared IR that has been set up in the target environment prior to deployment.

The release succeeds if the deployment mode setting is set to validation only, but fails when incremental or complete is selected. We get the following error when using override template parameters:

2018-09-21T17:07:43.2936188Z ##[error]BadRequest: {

"error": {

"code": "BadRequest",

"message": "Failed to encrypt sub-resource payload


3 Answers


Please make sure your shared IR is online when doing the deployment, otherwise you may meet this problem because self-hosted IR will be used to encrypt your payload.

If you confirm the above action is done and you still have this error, please share the request activity ID to us and we can do some further investigation.


Make sure that you've entered the right connection string into your parameters JSON for any linked services you are using. This fixed the error for me although I don't have a full CI/CD environment with IR established.


I can solve it using the Azure Key Vault.

I added the connection string as a Secret. In the connection string I also included the authentication data (username and password).

The limitation of this approach is that the possibility of passing the parameters is lost. For example: dynamic values such as the name of the database or the user.