There is an example in the Confluent github repo :
If you want to create multiple consumers for the same topic, there are two scenarios :
1.Create each consumer with different group id.
c1, err := kafka.NewConsumer(&kafka.ConfigMap{
"bootstrap.servers": broker,
"": group1,
"": 6000,
"default.topic.config": kafka.ConfigMap{"auto.offset.reset": "earliest"}})
c2, err := kafka.NewConsumer(&kafka.ConfigMap{
"bootstrap.servers": broker,
"": group2,
"": 6000,
"default.topic.config": kafka.ConfigMap{"auto.offset.reset": "earliest"}})
- If you want multiple consumers for the same topic but with the same group id, it will start consuming from single partition. i.e. A topic contains 3 partitions and you create 3 consumers with same group id, each consumer will consume from one partition