I am running Fitnesse on several dispathers and then copy Fitnesse history and logs from all dispatchers to a separate machine. Some other project members need access to test results on this machine but I don't want them to be able to click Test or Suite there. Is it somehow possible to disable Test and Suite buttons?
I would be glad for any options: either somehow configure it in Fitnesse, or get a patched fitnesse.jar, or any other options.
On the main Fitnesse site (http://fitnesse.org/StayInformed), there is the following note: "Note, the Test and Suite buttons on this site have been disabled because search engines tend to invoke them and put my server under stress. This site is actually created with FitNesse.". So I need something like that, if possible.
Is it possible? Not sure I can find a corresponding place in source code to patch and re-build it. My hope is whether someone already did it or find it easy to help. I raised an issue in GitHub where Fitnesse source code is located but I didn't get any feedback yet.
Thank you!