I know the AS3 Loader's class unloadAndStop() supposes to unload and stop everything on a SWF's stage when I load one, but does it also changes objects within the library (even if they are not on stage?).
I'll describe my problem to clear it up: I am loading SWFs dynamically into my AS3 application and extract required symbols from them using applicationDomain and getDefinition. The stage of the SWF/FLA I am loading is empty, and all I have are exported symbols in my library.
The problem happens when I load symbols which have pre-compiled clips inside of them (in my case, a Partigen emitter, but I don't think it really matters), which probably has event listeners or timers - the code on these clips stops working and acts weird when unloadAndStop() is called by the Loader which loaded the clip's parent SWF. I assumed unloadAndStop() removes a required event listener from it, but not sure why (again, it's not on the stage).
I'd write my own kind of unloadAndStop() that filters these pre-compiled clips or checks what's truly going on there, but I am pretty sure that unloadAndStop() does things which are unavailable through the API.
What can explain this behavior? Anyone can think of a possible solution? Thank you.