
I know the AS3 Loader's class unloadAndStop() supposes to unload and stop everything on a SWF's stage when I load one, but does it also changes objects within the library (even if they are not on stage?).

I'll describe my problem to clear it up: I am loading SWFs dynamically into my AS3 application and extract required symbols from them using applicationDomain and getDefinition. The stage of the SWF/FLA I am loading is empty, and all I have are exported symbols in my library.

The problem happens when I load symbols which have pre-compiled clips inside of them (in my case, a Partigen emitter, but I don't think it really matters), which probably has event listeners or timers - the code on these clips stops working and acts weird when unloadAndStop() is called by the Loader which loaded the clip's parent SWF. I assumed unloadAndStop() removes a required event listener from it, but not sure why (again, it's not on the stage).

I'd write my own kind of unloadAndStop() that filters these pre-compiled clips or checks what's truly going on there, but I am pretty sure that unloadAndStop() does things which are unavailable through the API.

What can explain this behavior? Anyone can think of a possible solution? Thank you.

unloadAndStop removes the instance of what you're loading and removes all listeners associated with it. If you're using classes with getDefinition, you're not making copies of those classes/symbols/movieclips in the library, you're using direct instances of them (not a clone). If you unloadAndStop them, you are explicitly telling all of those to unload, hence you won't have access to them.jpea
hopefully that helps btw - unloadAndStop isn't very well documented on Adobe's site last I checked... most of the info on it was found in the user community and it's still pretty sparse.jpea
Why do you need to use unloadAndStop() at all? Are you running this application on a tightly resource-constrained embedded system? Your use case, if I understand it correctly, sounds perfect for just loading a swf and "forgetting about it" on a desktop machine. Why unload the resources when you might need them again?scriptocalypse
Actually I use all the symbols I extract with getDefinition() after the unloadAndStop() without any problem. Some of them even have code. I save the Class generated by getDefinition() in a Dictionary and then instantinize it when I want. The one which doesn't work well, is using code taken from a pre-compiled library (Partigen). I believe that if I would unload even the classes, I wouldn't be able to create instances like I described above (yet I do). What seems to be happening is that it removes event listeners from the code itself while preserving it without the listeners.Indigon

1 Answers


Make your loader in this way:

myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.INIT , myLoaderHandler, false, 0, true);

It solves some problems due to unloadAndStop().