I'm new to JavaFX and while doing my project I'm trying to switch screens. I'm thinking of setting of corresponding AnchorPane visibility true or false and I'm having problem when accessing to AnchorPane from another Controller. I tried to make AnchorPane static but it gives NullPointerException.
This is my code.
Controller class
public class Controller {
AnchorPane signInPane;
private TextField usernameForSignIn;
private PasswordField password;
private Button signIn;
private Button registration;
void initialize() {
registration.setOnAction(event -> {
signIn.setOnAction(event -> {
String usernameText = usernameForSignIn.getText().trim();
String passwordText = password.getText().trim();
if(!usernameText.equals("") && !passwordText.equals("")) {
loginUser(usernameText, passwordText);
} else {
System.out.println("Empty login and/or password");
private void loginUser(String usernameText, String passwordText) {
SignUpController Class
public class SignUpController {
static AnchorPane registerPane;
private TextField email;
private PasswordField pass;
private Button signUp;
private TextField fname;
private TextField lname;
private TextField username;
private RadioButton radioMale;
void initialize() {
signUp.setOnAction(event -> {
private void signUpNewUser() {
DatabaseHandler databaseHandler = new DatabaseHandler();
String firstName = fname.getText();
String lastName = lname.getText();
String usname = username.getText();
String password = pass.getText();
String e_mail = email.getText();
String gender = "";
if(radioMale.isSelected()) {
gender = "Male";
} else {
gender = "Female";
User user = new User(firstName,lastName,usname,password,e_mail,gender);
to this without closing the window
I tried to solve the problem like this, but it closes the window and opens a new one.
registration.setOnAction(event -> {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Parent root = loader.getRoot();
Stage stage = new Stage();
stage.setScene(new Scene(root));
// signInPane.setVisible(false);