This code replicates the problem:
df <- data.frame(ID = letters[1:10],
Var = rnorm(10),
"Some_very_long_label_names" = rnorm(10),
"Not_so_long" = rnorm(10),
"Short" = rnorm(10),
"Incredibly_long_label_name_why_oh_why" = rnorm(10),
"Etc" = rnorm(10))
melted_df <- reshape2::melt(df)
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(ID, Var)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank())
p2 <- ggplot(melted_df, aes(ID, variable)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = value)) +
guides(fill = FALSE)
cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 2, align = "v", axis = "n")
If you run that code, it'll yield this plot:
The problem with this plot lies in the positioning of the y-axis title of the first plot. I thought perhaps setting axis = "n"
would stop it from aligning to the axis from the second plot, but it didn't.
My desired output would be this plot, which has aligned the graphics but not the axis labels.
cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 2, align = "v", axis = "lr")
? – Tungegg
package then – Tungggarrange
worked perfectly. :) If you post it as an answer, I'll accept it. – csgroen