I have a stack in Elastic Beanstalk running the "Passenger with Ruby 2.5 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.8.3" image. Rails is v5.2.1. The desire is to make it a staging environment i.e., have 'Rails.env' return 'staging' and run off of a staging.rb configuration. The problem is, it seems to be running as 'production' no matter what I do.
- I set up RACK_ENV and RAILS_ENV as EB configuration variables, both set to 'staging'. I confirmed their existence on the server with 'printenv' as ec2-user, webapp, and root.
- I tried changing passenger_app_env in the Passenger config to 'staging'. I've confirmed that Passenger Standalone is using the correct config by looking at the process with 'ps aux | grep passenger'.
- I've tried switching to the root server and manually doing '/etc/init.d/passenger stop' and then 'start', and the printout confirms Passenger is launching with its 'environment' set to 'staging':
=============== Phusion Passenger Standalone web server started =============== PID file: /var/app/support/pids/passenger.pid Log file: /var/app/support/logs/passenger.log Environment: staging Accessible via: Serving in the background as a daemon. Problems? Check https://www.phusionpassenger.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Standalone.html#troubleshooting
I put this into environment.rb and added an EB config var for STAGING to be 'true'.:
if ENV['STAGING'] %w(RACK_ENV RAILS_ENV).each do |key| ENV[key] = 'staging' end end
However, the test page I made in my Rails app still says 'Rails.env' is 'production', and is not using values from 'staging.rb'. And yet, that same test page says that 'ENV['RACK_ENV']' and 'ENV['RAILS_ENV'] are both set to 'staging'.
At this point, I'm out of ideas on how to force the environment in any other way.
then just for testing purposes copy fromdevelopment.rb
. Then goto EB, into your application/configurations/software and change env likeRACK_ENV
. Dnt forget to restart yr app and nginxservice nginx restart
– 7urkm3n