
I have been sent a RMAN backup, which is dual encrypted, wallet and password.

The Oracle version is

I am trying to restore the database on a new server.

I performed the following steps:

  1. Create database with ORACLE_SID THEDB using a minimal init.ora file.

  2. Configure the Wallet by copying the ewallet.p12 and cwallet.sso files to a directory, and then adding the ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION entry into sqlnet.ora.

The next steps are:

sqlplus / as sysdba

startup nomount
select status from v$encryption_wallet;



Then RMAN:

rman target / nocatalog
set decryption identified by 'the_backup_pwd';
restore controlfile from 'THEDB_CF_xxxxx_yyy';

ORA-19913: unable to decrypt backup

Now, the backup was taken using AES256 encryption, but the default encryption for this empty database is AES128.

I cannot issue the CONFIGURE ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM 'AES256' command in RMAN as it fails with "database not mounted".

I am certain the wallet and password are correct, but still this error occurs.

What step is missing?


1 Answers


We found out that this only happened if the RMAN Encyrption password had special characters like '$' etc.

The only workaround was to use a heredoc with the password hardcoded .. not great ...

rman / target << EOF
set decryption 'ThePa$$Word'

run {

Even when run interactively and the password was manually key it we still got the ORA-19913: unable to decrypt backup. It is obviously a Oracle RMAN bug.