I have a number of issues when working with OneNote via the graph api.
I understand that what OneNote uses is not straight html and they need to convert it back and forward for the API... but this would not appear to be that complex a task.
I am processing tags in the content and need to be able to update the tag element. It is fine except for where I have a list of items (p or li) tags where there are indents.
If there are items like this in my onenote
Dont have the rights to embed an image... so here is the link https://xomq6w.ch.files.1drv.com/y4mc-mJZRhkI5c_fvOAbHGOnzEKVNKgxTHLop-OHfNofncLcC2gUc_Z_aYi0sgrc3hxIxxWpnvwRFc7p-reL5mX8J5pp1ePaY0V2McibdocMTplud7lxcso0EwAGJpHpBkcyLbcsLxDUpoYZ9T5XgCCxxmfUwQhHFPFQdFscfQoDPp7ZA-vCNbErgqyz0FK7prVaeMjs8LpiftMKu6-Xcv7Rg?width=160&height=541&cropmode=none
I hit the graph api to get the content with the following url via the graph api explorer
the html that comes back will look like this (note that the indents are not there)
<body data-absolute-enabled="true" style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:11pt">
<div id="div:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{65}" style="position:absolute;left:264px;top:139px;width:624px">
<p id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{67}" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 1</p>
<p id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{74}" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 2</p>
<p id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{71}" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 2a</p>
<p id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{73}" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 2b</p>
<p id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{76}" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 3</p>
And if I patch the ones that have child items like this to set ids (leaving the id in there... turns it into a permanent data-id) for later updates or even to close a tag:
PATCH - https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/myname/onenote/pages/0-c9861926a1e8080518ca3750afa63800!1-2B303C571455A20B!102505/content?includeIDs=true
'content':'<p id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{74}" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 2</p>'
The update will be processed and then the content will be updated to this:
<body data-absolute-enabled="true" style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:11pt">
<div id="div:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{65}" style="position:absolute;left:264px;top:139px;width:624px">
<p id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{67}" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 1</p>
<p id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{71}" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 2a</p>
<p id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{73}" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 2b</p>
<p id="p:{78cb2ca5-efec-4e6f-a763-12e9cac6a2b5}{2}" lang="en-US" data-tag="to-do" data-id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{74}" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 2</p>
<p id="p:{f115c5ea-0481-0f03-31aa-07b94321c323}{76}" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 3</p>
The same essentially happens for nested ul/ol items... I also tried replacing the whole list instead of individual items, but the api call errors out with no additional information. Nested bulleted lists also seem to lose the parent bullet.
I have tried batching all updates for all items, doing one at a time, reversing the order.
Funnily enough if I do an insert then the text indents and order are retained, but there is no delete/remove patch to clean out the old text... e.g.
'content':'<p data-id="My_own_id" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 1</p>'
'action':'<tried replace or delete/remove hoping it was undocumented>',
'content':'<tried blank or just a span>'
Other issues include
- tables losing their show gridlines properties
- tags with no text not returning or even just disappearing if I update any text on the page
Partial Answer
Here is a partial answer for the non bulletted list issue... thanks to codeye for pointing me in the right direction.
By inserting my element before the existing one it retains the order.
'content':'<p data-id="test" data-tag="to-do" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Item 2</p>'
Then removing the old one with the following it looks to retain the formatting. And as it is an empty div OneNote doesn't add the element.