
I have an azure webjob project created in .net framework 4.6. i am trying to implement dependency injection with ILogger and log the information in application insights.

class Program
    private static IConfigurationRoot configuration;

    // Please set the following connection strings in app.config for this WebJob to run:
    // AzureWebJobsDashboard and AzureWebJobsStorage
    public static void Main()
        var config = new JobHostConfiguration();

        if (config.IsDevelopment)
        var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                      .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)

        IServiceCollection serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
        //config.JobActivator = new CustomJobActivator(serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider());
        config.LoggerFactory = new LoggerFactory()
           .AddApplicationInsights(configuration.GetSection("ApplicationInsights")["InstrumentationKey"], null);
        var host = new JobHost(config);
        // The following code ensures that the WebJob will be running continuously

    private static void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
        serviceCollection.AddTransient<Functions, Functions>();


    "ApplicationInsights": {
        "InstrumentationKey": "8028437c-888-666-444-2cf3777106a8"


public class Functions
    private readonly ILogger<Functions> _logger;

    public Functions(ILogger<Functions> logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public void ProcessTimerMessage([TimerTrigger("0 */5 * * * *")]TimerInfo timerInfo, TextWriter log)

I have also tried adding the below code in ConfigureServices method. But still no luck.

var telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(new TelemetryConfiguration()
       InstrumentationKey = "<< Instrumentation Key >>"
serviceCollection.AddSingleton(x => telemetryClient).AddLogging();

Only the trace logs gets logged in app insights whereas the logger object logs doesnot appear. Please help

Hi, the webjob project is created from the webjob template or an console application?Ivan Yang
Web Job template .NET Framework 4.6.1. I'm using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs SDK 2.2.0Sanketh
I write a sample below, not a TimerTrigger, but the solution should be the same. If any another issue, please let me know.Ivan Yang
i have tried this. But in this case even Log.Error goes as trace in app insights. I want it to go as exception. If i have another method in Functions.cs, then i want to log info or exceptions. Hence looking for dependency injection with which i can achieve this.Sanketh
I tried use this line of code: Log.LogError(new Exception(), "your error message"), and it can goes as exception. I also updated my answer, you can take a try and let me if it's ok.Ivan Yang

1 Answers


I created a webjob project from vs web job template, .net framework 4.6.1, steps as below:

step 1: create project enter image description here

step 2: install the following package:

Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs -version 2.2.0
Install-Package Microsoft.Extensions.Logging -version 2.0.1
Install-Package Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console -version 2.0.1
Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Logging.ApplicationInsights -version 2.2.0
Install-Package System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager -version 4.4.1

step 3: in app.config, add following: enter image description here

step 4: my program.cs:

  using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
  using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
  using System.Configuration;

    namespace WebJob7

        class Program

            static void Main()
                var config = new JobHostConfiguration();
                var instrumentationKey =

                config.DashboardConnectionString = "";

                config.LoggerFactory = new LoggerFactory()
                    .AddApplicationInsights(instrumentationKey, null)

                if (config.IsDevelopment)

                var host = new JobHost(config);


step 5: my code in Function.cs:

using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace WebJob7
    public class Functions
        // This function will get triggered/executed when a new message is written 
        // on an Azure Queue called queue.
        public static void ProcessQueueMessage([QueueTrigger("queue")] string message, ILogger logger)
        //you can directly use this line of code.
        //logger.LogError(new Exception(),"it is a test error...");

        //or use the following code
            int i = int.Parse("123er");
        catch(Exception ex)
            logger.LogError(ex,"it's a exception here 0927..........");


After execution, the logs are shown in azure portal -> go as Exception: enter image description here

Click it to see details: enter image description here