I'd like to animate a couple of divs with background images. I want them to move position on the page and get larger.
I'm doing this via jQuery by adding a class that, in turn, will trigger Webit's CSS3 transforms.
I started with this:
.myStyle {
width: 240px;
height: 240px;
top: 200px;
-webkit-background-size: 240px;
-webkit-transition-property: top, -webkit-background-size, width, height;
-webkit-transition-duration: 1s;
When adding that style, the DIV changes width and height, moves to the new top position, but the background size remains the same.
So then I tried this:
.myStyle {
top: 200px;
-webkit-transform: scale(1.5);
-webkit-transition-property: top, -webkit-transform;
-webkit-transition-duration: 1s;
But, same problem. Top animates, but not the scale.
I think (hope) that this is merely a syntax error on my part. Or is it just not possible to transition -webkit properties?