
When using Azure pipelines and deployment groups it is possible to re-deploy the "last successful" release to new agents with given "tags" using the instructions found here:


My issue is when releasing to a deployment group consisting of 3 machines. 2 are online and 1 is periodically offline. In this situation my release fails when the 1 machine is offline. This would be OK by me if Azure pipelines retried the deployment when machine offline comes back online. I thought this would work in the same way as "new targets", but I still haven't figured out how.

This is just a small test. When going in production my deployment group will consist of hundreds of machines and not all of them will be online at the same time.

So - Is it possible to automate the process to ensure all machines eventually will be up to date when all of them have been online?

Octopus-deploy seems to have this feature

Status after failed deployment (and target is online again)

Status after failed deployment

Seems the feature isn't deployed to all the environment. I cannot see the feature with my account. However,in general the queued deployments will automatically triggered once the agent in online just like the build queues.Andy Li-MSFT
The "deploy on new target registered" works perfectly. First I register a onprem linux host in my deployment group and deploys. Target updated. I then register a second linux host as a new target in the same group. Seconds afterwards this host is updated and in the "log view" I can se "Deployment attempt #2" listed with my second target as the machine deployed to. Just as I would expect. If I however try to deploy to a deployment group with 1 offline target and 1 online target the deployment fails. The offline target is not updated after coming online againTor Christian Angeltveit
Well, in general the queued deployments will be automatically triggered once the agent is online. But for the failed deployments you have to re-deploy them manually. No any way to retry it automatically when the agent is online again...Andy Li-MSFT
Ok - Are there any recommended way to manually redeploy to all "not-updated-agents"? For example using the API? When using the "redeploy-button" in the portal the deployment is redeployed to all targets online.Tor Christian Angeltveit
Have registered a ticket under Azure Devops explaining the situation: developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/340920/…Tor Christian Angeltveit

1 Answers


Well, in general the queued deployments will be automatically triggered once the agent is online. But for the failed deployments you have to re-deploy them manually. No any way to retry it automatically when the agent is online again...

Based on my test, to redeploy to all "not-updated-agents", you have to remove the other target machines which passed in previous deployment from deployment group...