
I am in a need to apply a style to the table which is placed in the third row of another table,


    <title>HTML Table</title>

    <table class="wizard-ux">
              <td>test Table 2</td>
              <td>test Table 2</td>
              <td>test Table 2</td>
              <td>test Table 2</td>
                <td>Save (Width has to be 90%)</td>
                <td>Cancel (Width has to be 10%)</td>


since this is asp.net wizard I don't have id or class for the child table, the only reference is "wizard-ux" of the parent. I need to set the width of the first column as 90% and second column as 10% through CSS,

can somebody suggest a CSS for this,

thanks in advance,

Can you use nth:child(x)?dustytrash
try table.wizard-ux tr:last-of-type tableArun Kumar
.wizard-ux:nth-last-child(2) td:first-child { width:90%; text-align:right;} .wizard-ux:nth-last-child(2) td:nth-child(2) { width:10%; text-align:center;} but failsVicky S
arun kumar, tried table.wizard-ux tr:last-of-type table td {width:90%;} but no effectVicky S
try table.wizard-ux tr:nth-child(3) tr td:nth-child(1) { width: 90%; } table.wizard-ux tr:nth-child(3) tr td:nth-child(2) { width: 10%; }sudheer singh

2 Answers


Try below CSS

.wizard-ux tr:last-of-type table td:first-of-type

.wizard-ux tr:last-of-type table td:last-of-type 


I have tried by giving id to those columns

<td id="wid90">Save</td>
<td id="win10">Cancel</td>

Then I use this css

#wid90 {
            width: 90%
#wid10 {
            width: 10%

I dont know if it works or not