If you must do this, it can be simulated by explicitly using the constructor of the underlying Record
(since "Typeclasses are Records", to quote from Software Foundations [1]), which can be instantiated using the function(s) being defined as a fixpoint. I'll post three examples and explain where this can be useful.
The example you posted could be solved like this (all code tested for Coq 8.10.1):
Require Import Strings.String.
Local Open Scope list_scope.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Class Show (A : Type) : Type :=
show : A -> string
Definition magicShow {A : Type} `{Show A} (a : A) : string :=
"** " ++ show a ++ " **".
Print Show.
(* Record Show (A : Type) : Type := Build_Show { show : A -> string }
Check Build_Show.
(* Build_Show : forall A : Type, (A -> string) -> Show A *)
Check @magicShow.
(* @magicShow : forall A : Type, Show A -> A -> string *)
Instance showMagicList {A : Type} `{Show A} : Show (list A) :=
show :=
fix lshow l :=
match l with
| nil => "[]"
| x :: xs => show x ++ " : " ++ @magicShow _ (@Build_Show _ lshow) xs
If you are trying to define several typeclass methods like this, it's tricky to instantiate the record constructor, but it can be done by treating the functions as if they were defined by mutual recursion (although there doesn't necessarily have to be any actual mutual recursion). Here's a contrived example where Show
now has two methods. Notice that the typeclass instance is added to the context with an anonymous let-in
binding. Evidently, this is enough to satisfy Coq's typeclass resolution mechanism.
Require Import Strings.String.
Local Open Scope list_scope.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Class Show (A : Type) : Type :=
show1 : A -> string
; show2 : A -> string
Definition magicShow1 {A : Type} `{Show A} (a : A) : string :=
"** " ++ show1 a ++ " **".
Definition magicShow2 {A : Type} `{Show A} (a : A) : string :=
"** " ++ show2 a ++ " **".
Fixpoint show1__list {A : Type} `{Show A} (l : list A) : string :=
let _ := (@Build_Show _ show1__list show2__list) in
match l with
| nil => "[]"
| x :: xs => show1 x ++ " : " ++ magicShow1 xs
with show2__list {A : Type} `{Show A} (l : list A) : string :=
let _ := (@Build_Show _ show1__list show2__list) in
match l with
| nil => "[]"
| x :: xs => show1 x ++ " : " ++ magicShow2 xs
Instance showMagicList {A : Type} `{Show A} : Show (list A) :=
show1 := show1__list
; show2 := show2__list
So why would you want to do this? A good example is when you are defining decidable equality on (rose) trees. In the middle of the definition, we have to recursively appeal to decidable equality of list (tree A)
. We would like to use the standard library helper function Coq.Classes.EquivDec.list_eqdec
[2], which shows how to pass decidable equality on a type A
to list A
. Since list_eqdec
requires a typeclass instance (the very one we are in the middle of defining), we have to use the same trick above:
Require Import Coq.Classes.EquivDec.
Require Import Coq.Program.Utils.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable Variables A.
Inductive tree (A : Type) : Type :=
| leaf : A -> tree A
| node : list (tree A) -> tree A.
Program Instance tree_eqdec `(eqa : EqDec A eq) : EqDec (tree A) eq :=
{ equiv_dec := fix tequiv t1 t2 :=
let _ := list_eqdec tequiv in
match t1, t2 with
| leaf a1, leaf a2 =>
if a1 == a2 then in_left else in_right
| node ts1, node ts2 =>
if ts1 == ts2 then in_left else in_right
| _, _ => in_right
Solve Obligations with unfold not, equiv, complement in * ;
program_simpl ; intuition (discriminate || eauto).
Next Obligation.
destruct t1;
destruct t2;
( program_simpl || unfold complement, not, equiv in *; eauto ).
Solve Obligations with split; (intros; try unfold complement, equiv ; program_simpl).
No more obligations remaining
tree_eqdec is defined
Commentary: There is no constructor for creating a record of type EqDec
(since it only has one class method), so to convince Coq that list (tree A)
has decidable equality, the invocation is simply list_eqdec tequiv
. For the uninitiated, Program
here is simply allowing for holes in the definition of the instance to be filled in later as Obligation
s, which is more convenient than writing the appropriate proofs inline.