
In my Xpages application I want to send (HTML) email from Java. I found this nice EmailBean code as snippet on OpenNTF:


I converted the code to an common Email class and not use it as a managed bean.

I also want to use the code in a different way: instead of working with a DominoDocument that is created from a XPage I want to use the class straight from anotehr java class. However I face the following problems:

The code expects a DominoDocument and a field on that document for the content of the email message.

So in my sendMail method I tried:

Database db = DominoUtils.getCurrentDatabase();
DominoDocument fakeMail = (DominoDocument) db.createDocument();

But this DominoDocument is never created (the code breaks here)

Database db = DominoUtils.getCurrentDatabase();
Document fakeMail = db.createDocument();

works fine but

Email email = new Email();

complains that a DominoDocument is expected and a Document is not excepted.

My next thoughts where to skip the creation of a intermediate Document but when I tried

email.setBodyHTML("Hello World");

I get the following message in the console:

[1728:0016-08FC] 2018-09-15 16:18:14 HTTP JVM: Method setBodyHTML(string) is not permitted

Is there anyone who can guide me how I can change this email class so I do not need a DominoDocument? Actually I do not need a Document at all. I could set the properties for the email object myself if the setBodyHTML() would work.


3 Answers


Why not strip down that email class?

package com.ibm.xsp.utils;

 * @author Tony McGuckin, IBM

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import lotus.domino.Database;
import lotus.domino.Document;
import lotus.domino.MIMEEntity;
import lotus.domino.MIMEHeader;
import lotus.domino.NotesException;
import lotus.domino.Session;
import lotus.domino.Stream;

import com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.NotesContext;

public class Email {

    private ArrayList<String> sendTo;
      private ArrayList<String> ccList;
      private ArrayList<String> bccList;
      private String senderEmail;
      private String senderName;
      private String subject;
      private String fieldName;
      private String bannerHTML;
      private String bodyHTML;
      private String footerHTML;

      private boolean debugMode = true;

      private static final Pattern imgRegExp = Pattern.compile("<img[^>]+src\\s*=\\s*['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"][^>]*>");

      public Email(){
            this.subject = "";
            this.sendTo = new ArrayList<String>();
            this.ccList = new ArrayList<String>();
            this.bccList = new ArrayList<String>();

      public String getSendTo(){
          System.out.println("getSendTo() : " + this.sendTo.toString());
        return this.sendTo.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "");

      public void setSendTo(final String sendTo){

      public String getCcList(){
          System.out.println("getCcList() : " + this.ccList.toString());
        return this.ccList.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "");

      public void setCcList(final String ccList){

      public String getBccList(){
          System.out.println("getBccList() : " + this.bccList.toString());
        return this.bccList.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "");

      public void setBccList(final String bccList){

      public String getSenderEmail(){
        return this.senderEmail;

      public void setSenderEmail(final String senderEmail){
        this.senderEmail = senderEmail;

      public String getSenderName(){
        return this.senderName;

      public void setSenderName(final String senderName){
        this.senderName = senderName;

      public String getSubject(){
        return this.subject;

      public void setSubject(final String subject){
        this.subject = subject;

      public boolean isDebugMode(){
        return this.debugMode;

      public void setDebugMode(final boolean debugMode){
        this.debugMode = debugMode;

      private Session getCurrentSession(){
        NotesContext nc = NotesContext.getCurrentUnchecked();
          return (null != nc) ? nc.getCurrentSession() : null;

      private Database getCurrentDatabase(){
        NotesContext nc = NotesContext.getCurrentUnchecked();
          return (null != nc) ? nc.getCurrentDatabase() : null;

      public void send() throws NotesException, IOException, Exception {
            Session session = getCurrentSession();
            Database database = getCurrentDatabase();
            if (null != session && null != database &&
                null != this.sendTo && null != this.subject &&
                null != this.senderEmail
            ) {
                try {
                    if (this.isDebugMode()) {
                        System.out.println("Started send()");
                    Document emailDocument = database.createDocument();

                    MIMEEntity emailRoot = emailDocument.createMIMEEntity("Body");
                    if (null != emailRoot) {
                        MIMEHeader emailHeader = emailRoot.createHeader("Reply-To");

                        emailHeader = emailRoot.createHeader("Return-Path");

                        final String fromSender = (null == this.getSenderName()) ?
                            this.getSenderEmail() :
                            "\"" + this.getSenderName() + "\" <" + this.getSenderEmail() + ">";

                        emailHeader = emailRoot.createHeader("From");

                        emailHeader = emailRoot.createHeader("Sender");

                        emailHeader = emailRoot.createHeader("To");

                        if (!this.ccList.isEmpty()) {
                            emailHeader = emailRoot.createHeader("CC");

                        if (!this.bccList.isEmpty()) {
                            emailHeader = emailRoot.createHeader("BCC");

                        emailHeader = emailRoot.createHeader("Subject");

                        MIMEEntity emailRootChild = emailRoot.createChildEntity();
                        if (null != emailRootChild) {
                            final String boundary = System.currentTimeMillis() + "-" + "ABC";
                            emailHeader = emailRootChild.createHeader("Content-Type");
                            emailHeader.setHeaderVal("multipart/alternative; boundary=\"" + boundary + "\"");

                            MIMEEntity emailChild = emailRootChild.createChildEntity();
                            if (null != emailChild) {

                                Stream stream = session.createStream();                             

                                emailChild = emailRootChild.createChildEntity();
                                stream = session.createStream();
                                emailChild.setContentFromText(stream, "text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\"", MIMEEntity.ENC_NONE);
                                stream = null;
                    if (this.isDebugMode()) {
                        System.out.println("Completed send()");
                } catch (NotesException e) {
                    if (this.isDebugMode()) {
                        System.out.println("Failed send() with NotesException" + e.getMessage());
                    throw e;
                }  catch (Exception e) {
                    if (this.isDebugMode()) {
                        System.out.println("Failed send() with Exception" + e.getMessage());
                    throw e;

      public String getFieldName(){
        return this.fieldName;

      public void setFieldName(final String fieldName){
        this.fieldName = fieldName;

      public String getHTML(){
        StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer();
        return html.toString();

      public String getBannerHTML(){
        return this.bannerHTML;

      public void setBannerHTML(final String bannerHTML){
        this.bannerHTML = bannerHTML;

      public String getFooterHTML(){
        return this.footerHTML;

      public String getBodyHTML() {
        return bodyHTML;

    public void setBodyHTML(String bodyHTML) {
        this.bodyHTML = bodyHTML;

    public void setFooterHTML(final String footerHTML){
        this.footerHTML = footerHTML;


Then from your other class add something like this:

private void sendMail(String msg){
            Email email = new Email();          
            email.setSubject("Mail from Java");         
            email.setBannerHTML("<p>Hi " + email.getSendTo() + ",</p>");            
            email.setFooterHTML("<p><b>Kind regards,</b><br/>" + email.getSenderName() + "<br/>0044 1234 5678</p>");
        } catch (Exception e) {

The DominoDocument is not being read from any more. I added a field: private String bodyHTML . The setBodyHTML method I have altered into a standard setter method.

The send() method I stripped down, mainly this part:

MIMEEntity emailRootChild = emailRoot.createChildEntity();
                        if (null != emailRootChild) {
                            final String boundary = System.currentTimeMillis() + "-" + "ABC";
                            emailHeader = emailRootChild.createHeader("Content-Type");
                            emailHeader.setHeaderVal("multipart/alternative; boundary=\"" + boundary + "\"");

                            MIMEEntity emailChild = emailRootChild.createChildEntity();
                            if (null != emailChild) {

                                Stream stream = session.createStream();                             

                                emailChild = emailRootChild.createChildEntity();
                                stream = session.createStream();
                                emailChild.setContentFromText(stream, "text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\"", MIMEEntity.ENC_NONE);
                                stream = null;

In the end you get just a basic HTML email, without images or attachments. I am not sure if this fits your needs?


The way to send mail in Domino is via a Document. The easiest way is to create one in mail.box, the router database. There you can save only once and saving will send off the message.

However.... Tony’s class should work just fine without any conversion work you mentioned. A managed bean is just a simple Java class with an argument free constructor and get/set methods.

So from other Java code you should be able to just use this:

EmailBean email = new EmailBean();
email.set(...) // to, body, subject etc

What you need to change:

  • get/setHTMLBody needs to work like HTMLfooter -> store in a local variable
  • add a get/setTextBody method and local variable
  • in the send() method instead of extracting from document, use the local variables

Does that work for you?


I went through the same conversion process for OpenNTF Domino API. It has a DominoEmail class, see https://stash.openntf.org/projects/ODA/repos/dominoapi/browse/domino/core/src/org/openntf/domino/email?at=30690a2ddccb024bae6fcf37cbdd42860c7e5ba6. This works for basic emails, including HTML I believe. But it's not complete for supporting e.g. attachments. I'm happy for someone to be able to complete that aspect, if there's a specific need and happy to offer advice to help progress.